Tag: Jomidar Bari

Dakshindihi – Khulna
Dakshindihi is a peaceful community rich in natural beauty. Located on the southwestern border of the Khulna and Jessore districts, the village is about three kilometres north-west of the Phultola upazila headquarters. The village square is actually the expansive courtyard of a zamindar’s mansion. Rabindranath and Mrinalini’s memorial, a two-story structure, dominates the backyard. Rabindranath […]
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Dalal Bazar landlord House – Laxmipu
Dalal Bazar Zamindar house is one of the oldest landlord houses in Laxmipur. There is no end to the curiosity of the people around this ancient landlord house located in Laxmipur mouza on the south-west side adjacent to Dalal Bazar. Established on five acres of land, Raj Gate, landlord palace, Andar Mahal, Andar Pukur, paved […]
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Pratappur zamindar house – Feni
Location of Pratappur Zamindar House in Pratappur village of Purbachandrapur union of Daganbhuiyan upazila of Feni. Among the few Chowdhury, Bhuiyan and Zamindar dynasties in Daganbhuiyan, the position of Pratappur zamindars was at the top. They were influential for the surrounding area. Rajkrunch Saha, the zamindar of the house during British rule, used to sit […]
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Kanaipur Jomidar Bari – Faridpur
Kanipur Jomidar Bari of Faridpur is better known as Shikdar Bari Faridpur district. Today, we see the ruins of their residence as Shikdar Bari.
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Baliati Zamindar Bari – Manikganj
Baliati Zamindar Bari is build with total of seven buildings. Not all the buildings of this Zamindar Bari or palace were built together.
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Mohera Jomidar Bari – Tangail
Nowadays Mohera Jomidar Bari one of the popular tourist place in Bangladesh. If you want to travel around Dhaka at low cost, you can go to Mohera Jomidar Bari in Tangail.
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