Baliati Zamindar Bari – Manikganj

Baliati Zamindar Bari (বালিয়াটি জমিদার বাড়ি) is build with total of seven buildings. Not all the buildings of this Zamindar Bari or palace were built together. The various buildings within this palace were set up at different times by different heirs of the zamindar family. It is one of the palaces of Bangladesh built in the 19th century. It is also called Baliati zamindar house or Baliati zamindar Bari. Currently the central block is the museum. This palace is preserved and maintained by the Bangladesh Archeological Department.

From far away, the peak of the buildings still comes to mind. The reputation of Baliyat zamindars was widely known during the long period of nearly two hundred years from the first part of the eighteenth century to the first part of the twentieth century.

During this time, they built many important structures in the area. Baliya zamindar bari is one of them. It is known that in the middle of the eighteenth century, Zamindar Gobindaram Shah built this  Zamindar Bari at Baliati. And gradually his successors built several more buildings here.

Here are five large buildings namely Phoshim Bari (East House), Purbo Bari (West House), Uttor Bari (North House), Moddo Bari (Mid House) and Golabari. It is known that these parts of the zamindar bari are made by the heirs of the zamindar family. Five similar sections of the main palace complex were constructed separately.

Although a portion of the eastern side has been completely destroyed, the remaining four are still intact. Idols are seen in various carvings on the front walls of the main buildings. The huge complex of Baliya Zamindar bari is surrounded by high walls. That wall of ancient times still survives. There are now four lovely buildings in the middle of these four walls. And the front wall of the buildings has four entrances. And behind the four buildings there are four more buildings.

At the top of the four entrances are four lion statues made of stone. The lion crossed the door and came out. The image of Baliati Palace in the pond water still filled everyone’s mind. Although the Baliya zamindar house was originally established in five palaces, there are currently about four palaces of similar kind.

And between these four palaces there are two storeys and two side three floors. Built on more than twenty acres of land, this zamindarbari has more than two hundred rooms. There is a large pond on the back. There are six ferries on the four sides of the pond. The adjoining rooms around the pond were to house attendants, watchmen and other employees.

Where to stay Manikganj:

There is no such residential hotel in Saturia. However, there are residential hotels at Manikganj. In Manikganj, you can stay in any residential hotel.

How to go Baliati Zamindar Bari of Manikganj:

Paturia Manikganj buses travel from Gulistan, Dhaka every 20 minutes. Ride on such a bus. Kalampur (Manikganj) will arrive in two hours.

Baliya Rajprasad (Baliati Zamindar Bari) will be reached from Half an hour by pressing a CNG-powered auto-rickshaw, a battery-powered auto-rickshaw, a battery-powered wagon or a Saturia bus from the Kalampur bus stand.

You will get a Saturia bus directly from Gbatli-Amin Bazar. In that case, the Baliya was a five-minute walk to a battery-powered van car coming down to Saturia. If you want, you can leave Baliya directly from Manikganj bus or Saturia bus in front of Bangabazar.

Day trips, day in and day out. Travel will be most enjoyable if you have your own vehicle.

If you have more information or any correction in this information please comment here.

Translate By tourdd,
Updated: November 6, 2019

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