Tourist Places in Rajbari
The present Rajbari district is located in the embankment of Padma and Jamuna River. It would not be wrong if we called Rjbari district as a river district. There are some rivers are flowing around the Rajbari district such as Padmaa, Chandana, Gorai and Harai etc. among the spectacular places of Rajbari district the most popular places are Rangamati Government High School red building, Shrine of Shah Pahaloyan, Dadsi Mazar Sharif, Jamai Pagol Mazar, Naliya Joor Bengali temples, Samadhinagar monastery, Rathkhola Sanamanca, Nil Kuthi, Mir Mosharraf Hossain Memorial Center, Daulatdia Ghat, the mound chan Sawdagor, Kalyan dighi, Goalandaghat etc.

Mir Masharraf Hossain Memorial Museum
Mir Masharraf Hossain Memorial Center was laid in the city to protect the memory of Mir Musharraf Hossain. The Mir Mosharraf Hossain Memorial Museum which was built on an area of about two acres area.
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